Monday, August 10, 2015

I moved us into a hotel room.... what was i thinking?????

Today was okay, just kind of a blah day. I woke up tired. I sleep so good when I am by myself in bed. Don't feel bad 'Jane', I am not sure if it is because I am so tired or because your not next to me rolling over. Also, the kids don't come up in the night. haha They always came up when 'Jane' was here, they just know that I am not as compassionate as 'Jane' is. So I just sleep through the night without interruption. I feel ripped off when the alarm goes off and it is time to get up. I usually wake up three or four times at night and I get the satisfaction of knowing that I get to sleep more. I want to wake up multiple times when 'Jane' gets home, that means that she will be lying next to me. Man I miss that....
So we got up, had leftovers for breakfast, got the kids out the door. Baby girl was whiny so I checked my emails and then I noticed she was not whining anymore but curled up in a little ball in front of the fireplace on the hard floor asleep. So I scooped her up and took her to my bed. She woke up a little so I laid down next to her and we slept for an hour. It was cold outside and it just felt right to go back to bed. Besides there is no one here to judge me, I could sleep all day:) But I did not, I got up and got showered and dressed. Baby girl poked her head around the corner a bit later and we had a cuddle and she went and played something for an hour. I say play, but there was a full on conversation going on in the other room, maybe she was having a meeting with her imaginary friends. She can entertain herself for hours. Sometimes I have to go check on her and see if she is still here. One of our friends invited her over to play so we had lunch before she left. We had leftovers from dinner last night which baby girl was not happy about. She said she was 'bored of this food.' She was not bored when I got our the whipped cream can and showed her how to spray it in her mouth, that got her a little more excited. Our friend stopped in and picked up baby girl and I spent the afternoon going through bills. It is a full time job now keeping up on everything, keeping our finances in order, buying groceries, to collecting rent and trying to sell properties. Never imagined myself sitting at a desk all day but it seems to be the coming normal. It was 10 degrees outside this morning, sitting behind a desk at this time of the year is where I want to be. A few of my guy friends called and checked on me. One of my vendors emailed me looking to see if I could send someone to Hawaii for a few weeks to do a bunch of work. Man I would love to go to Hawaii and work right now. From freezing cold mountains to tropical Hawaii, that is quite the commute. I had to run to the post office so I picked up baby girl on the way home. . We got home right before the kids did and had a snack and read the letters that 'Jane' sent home. The kids loved them and they carried them around all afternoon. 'Jane' wrote me a sweet note, it said 'Mi amore Mi amore, My heart is perfect because you are in it. I will give it to you completely. No more lock and key. I will be open to you, and accept the love that you offer to me. We are not perfect but we are strong enough to face life's battles head on. We were not meant to be apart. I love you. I miss you. I am giving this my all. I need us. We need each other. The Lord is on our side. Love always. 'jane' I know she is trying hard. I miss her so much. Today was a bit rough. I try not to think of myself still alone in two, three or four months but that is the reality of the situation. One day at a time, one day. I made some fried rice for dinner and then the kids wanted to move their rooms around so I gave them the okay. We went from originally having all three girls in separate room, to having them all share a room, now we are back to separate rooms again. They were so cute when I tucked them in. Hopefully this will help them to keep their rooms cleaner, no one else to blame. The boys are switching rooms and it is atrocious down there right now. Half of their belongings need to go in to the garbage. My OCD nature started to kick in so I just left them to it and told them nothing fun tomorrow until the rooms are spotless. We will see how they do. So that is my day, nothing exciting to report, no grand stories to entertain your mind with. I am just a normal guy living a normal life today.
I was thinking today about some of the simple happy times in our life together. We have had some amazing experiences and been on some great trips. Those came to my mind but swiftly escaped and were overtaken by a rather simple experience that we had. When our first boy was a baby, we had two town homes sitting that we could not sell. I was stressed. I needed to get them sold as I could not start any other townhomes until those were sold. We made the decision to rent out the love shack and move into one of the townhomes. We were excited to have more space. The love shack was just that, a 800 sq ft, one bedroom bungalow. It was fun living there, we have a lot of good memories there and it where our life together started. I even remember coming home from work and finding a path of skittles going up the stairs...... where they led I will not tell here. hmmm hmmmm ;) So we packed up our few pieces of furniture and belongings, rented out the shack to a friend, his wife and their goat who had a habit of chewing on all the trim.... his goat, not his wife. We were somewhat happy in the new town house, it was 1600 sq ft and had three bedrooms. Beside all the old grumpy people who periodically peered into our front window with both hands cupped around their face so they could see that perfect view, we were happy. After awhile though, we were stressed and finally we had our 'wanna soda' renters to buyers show up and we knew that we had to move. We had no where to go, our friend and his goat were not ready to move out yet, so we, or I should say I, I take full responsibility for this STUPID decision, decided to move into my dad's hotel. What was I thinking??? Looking back, that was the dumbest decision I have ever made. I moved my very pregnant wife into the hotel with a 11 month old baby and then I went to work everyday. To my credit, we did think that it was going to be a short arrangement, three months later we were still there. The goat final decided to move out, and we were so excited. We woke up early that morning. We had two babies at that point. Yes, we had our second boy while living at a hotel. Yep, we brought our little baby home to a hotel room. HAHAHA I should have rented a house, 'Jane' was SUCH a trooper. She just did the best she could and we managed, but it was not fun. When the hotel was full, we had a crib, a basinet and our bed in our family/living/bedroom/nursery/ kitchen/bathroom. I am actually making it sound better than it was. It was pretty much hell. So when the big moving out day came, we got up early and moved out. It really did not take much time, it was only 200 sq ft and most of the furniture stayed. Oh how we loved sitting there at night watching the Cosby Show. It was the only time in our first eight years of marriage that we had cable. We got over to the love shack, and our friend, his goat and his wife had not even started moving out. We did not care. We unloaded all of our belongings on the concrete in front of the house and then we sat in the car for awhile before we decided to go to town. We came back later on in the day and his mom was inside cleaning. We helped, we did not care, we wanted in. Not another night in a hotel room.  I guess the happy memory part of this story is the next morning, we slept on the mattress on the floor, we did not have time to set the bed frame up the night before. I woke up before 'Jane' and the boys. The sun was just coming up and the room was full of light. It was so peaceful, not noisy motellers wandering down the hall waking the kids up. I looked over at 'Jane' and her face was so peaceful. She was beautiful, she was even more beautiful when I thought of the three previous months I had her cooped up in a hotel room. We soon out grew the shack and ended up in my parents two bedroom apt and then I built her our first real 4800 sq ft home. I put every ounce of creativity into that home, it was beautiful and it makes me happy that 'Jane' still loves that house so much. Here I am now. We no longer fit in a 800 sq ft bungalow but we are spread out over 7000 sq ft on 45 acres. Life has been good. I cannot complain. Even going through this experience right now, I still feel so blessed and if it came to a screeching halt and everything I had or everyone I loved was gone, I would thank the Lord for the amazing 14 years that I have had. I have been blessed beyond my expectations. My mission president gave me a blessing right before I came home from my mission. I still remember one of the lines from his blessing, ' The Lord will never forget you service over these two years and will bless you for it.' I know that he has remembered me   and taken care of me, from the amazing wife that I married, to the awesome  little sleeping chilluns downstairs, to this opportunity right now to grow closer and understand my wife better. God has been good to me, I will be good for Him. And.... I love my girl!

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