Sunday, November 1, 2015

Miracles happen everyday

What can I say to you that I have not already said? I love you, I desire you, I want you, I love being with you. I want us, together, happy and feeling. ED has been a worthy opponent, and he almost took you from me. We are becoming more powerful each day and he is growing weaker. You may not think this as you are dealing with it in you mind each day, but I feel the hold that it has had on you is weakening with every email that we write, minute that we hold, phone call that you make, and feelings that we share. Do we ever get to a point where we having nothing to go vulnerable to each other about? Is it possible to get to a point where we are so close that we are comfortable to share anything and everything with each other?? I wonder, I have never been here before. So you think I am a romantic now, huh? Just because I want to whisper sweet nothings into your ears, plan our next emotional moment with musical videos and songs, send you the words to love songs, or imagine us holding each other in our arms in warm summer evenings with lights breezes, songs of sweet birds all around us. Does that make me a romantic, or just a man that can't get enough of the beautiful girl that took his last name and promised to be mine forever? I am in a good place this week. The emotions that I have dealt with over the last three months have dissipated and I am just left with a longing for you here next to me. I cannot say that I am even lonely, I want you here but I think the loneliness came from a emotional detachment that I thought we had. I know that I will hold you in four days, and have you in my arms for a few hours. I look forward to Saturday rather than feel bad for myself. It has given me a new purpose to my week, and the time seems to go so fast when I am in love with you, so slow when we are at odds. What would a email be with out the song of the day? I love this one, it is so true. I did not know what I had in front of me all of these. I think you did not even know what you had in front of you all these years either. We had us and we did not know the pain that would come if we ever became just you and I, separated. The thought of not having you for the rest of my life would be hell, I never want to get close to that again. Life is short, I want to spend our time in love and loving, enjoying our life. I can go on and on, like any good romantic could do. But rather I will end with the feelings of my heart expressed in the rhythms of this song. I love you Jane. You make me complete. You make me happy. Work hard, over come this ED so we can be back together soon. I want you to be happy, complete and with healing in your heart. It is possible. Miracles happen everyday. There are six little ones sleeping downstairs right now. Six little miracles that we helped create. I love that. I love them. I love us, and ........... I LOVE MY GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Passenger- you let her go


Well you only need the light when it’s burning low
Only miss the sun when it starts to snow
Only know your love her when you let her go
Only know you’ve been high when you’re feeling low
Only hate the road when you’re missin’ home
Only know your love her when you let her go
And you let her go

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